DISK/CTM presents "Invasive Sounds" at TodaysArt Festival 2009 |
// Date: September 25 – 26, 2009 // Where: TodaysArt Festival 2009 // Venue: various venues in the Hague, the Netherlands
Sonic events – noises, sounds, music –are not perceived by the ear alone. Their effect on the human body goes beyond even the stimulation of the other sensory organs. Acoustic vibrations transmit impulses that obtrude and invade the body and its tissues; they are not only processed on a conscious level, but can also provoke unconscious psychological and uncontrollable physiological reactions. Invasive Sound presents artists who make use of all these aspects in order to get close to the human body in disquieting ways. Their work is aimed directly at both physiological and culturally encoded perceptions of the body. The experiences they offer audiences engender both conflict and corporeal pleasure.
Participants: Kurt Hentschlager with his performance piece "Feed", Heartchamberorchestra (Terminal Beach aka Pure and Erich Berger), Artificiel with the european premiere of their new piece "POWEr", Jacob Kierkegaard presenting "Labyrinthitis", Lynn Pook & Julien Clauss with their piece "Pause", Jamie Drouin & Karl Kliem with the european premiere of their piece "MRI | RMX", Christof Migone, Daito Manabe, Lucas Abela aka Justice Yieldham, Mark Bain and Mattin.
The project is a collaboration of Musikprotokoll (Graz), TodaysArt and DISK/CTM.
Apart from "Invasive Sound" the festival features a great number of installations, dance and music performances and other activities. Part of the music program will be a two-day series concieved in collaboration with Touch Music from the UK.
More information: > www.todaysart.nl |
> September 25, 2009
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