DISK/CTM presents: Pictoplasma Character Walk After Party |
// Date: Wed March 18
// Time: 22h
// Venue: Weekend, Alexander Platz 7
// Entrance: 8.- €
Guillaume and the Coutu Dumonts (live, Oslo, Circus Company, QC/CA)
Crackhaus (live, Musique Risquée, QC/CA)
plus DJs
After exploring the about 30 exhibitions of Pictoplasma's Character Walk, you are for sure ready for a couple of drinks and some dancing action with fellow Canadians Guillaume and the Coutu Dumonts and Crackhaus. Meet with us at Weekend on the 11th floor, high above the roofs of Alexanderplatz and enjoy a great view.
Nothing much need to be said about Guillaume and the Coutu Dumonts. 2008 has been his year, seeing him play all major European clubs and collect excited reviews for his unique style that fuses complex, sometimes african influenced, but always highly infectious percussion patterns with weird jazz elements and fine threats of melody. And 2009 started just as good with a fantastic set at CTM.09 this January. Check out his "they Will Only Come Out At Night" – definitely one of the best tracks of the past months.
Crackhaus, at home at Montréal based stable Musique Risquée, is the duo of Scott Monteith aka Deadbeat and Steven Beaupré, taking the micro-sampling approach of their friend and label comrade Akufen to the next level.
More information:
> www.myspace.com/guillaumethecoutudumonts
> www.myspace.com/stephenbeaupre
> www.myspace.com/deadbeatcomputermusic
> www.myspace.com/musiquerisquee
> www.week-end-berlin.de
> www.pictoplasma.de
> March 18, 2009
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