'PRYJAZN/FREUNDSCHAFT' – CTM @ Unsound Festival |
Date: October 10 - 16, 2005
Venue: Unsound Festival, Krakow, Poland
- a collaboration project between CTM and Unsound Festival, Krakow
As part of the upcoming Unsound festival in Krakow, Poland, CTM and Unsound present a programme with collaboration projects between polish and german artists. The artists are linked by a shared artistic interest and by personal friendship. Next to music performances, the programme features workshops, video screenings and an xhibition with works by visual artists exploring concepts to visualize music. Together with other organistaions Unsound and CTM work on the building up of a network etween polish and german sound artists, promoters and festival-organisers.
'PRYJAZN/FREUNDSCHAFT' - Music performances
Slepcy (PL) & Pure (DE/AT) & Genetic Transmission (PL)
Felix Kubin (DE) & Wojt3k Kucharzyk (PL)
Deuce (PL) & Guenter Reznicek (DE)
Column One (DE) & Wojzec Czern (PL)
'SPLENDID AFFNINITIES' - Workshops & exhibition
Holger Lippmann (DE)
Jan Rohlf (DE)
Visomat Inc. (DE)
Miko Mikona (DE)
Supported by Stiftung fuer Deutsch-Polnische Zusammenarbeit and by > transmediale. transmediale is funded by the Federal Cultural Foundation of Germany.
Further Artists at Unsound Festival:
Aabzu, Al-Haca, Arszyn & Emiter, Bernhard Loibner, Bomb Mitte Soundsystem, Co, Cobra Killer, Data Disk, Db, Deadbeat, Dj Motyl, Errorsmith, Isolee, Itoa, Jacek Sienkiewicz, VJ Jade, Jezis Tahne Na Berlin, Kapital Band 1, Karaoke Tundra, Metalycée, Michael Marianek, Vj Monoscope, Vj Pdta, Pole, Prawatt, Dj Smallcock// Special Projects: Construction Sonor, Na Bliskim Poludniu
Information on Unsound Festival:
> www.unsound.pl
> October 10, 2005
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