Tenori-on launch event |
// Date: April 8th, 2008
// Time: 20:00
// Venue: Berghain, Am Wriezener Bahnhof, Berlin
// Entrance free!
Exclusive launch event for the German releasye of TENORI-ON, Yamaha's brand new, innovative and visually stunning live performance instrument. This event will not only feature TENORI-ON performances from some of the finest talent in electronic music, lucky enough to be asked to road test this exciting new instrument, but also an introduction and discussion with the TENORI-ON’s inventor.
The evening includes a lecture and presentation by Japanese leading media artist and Tenori-on developer Toshio Iwai (JP),
fand live performances with the Tenori-on by:
I Am Robot And Proud (Daria, CA)
Nathan Michel (Soniq, US)
Sutekh (Soul Jazz, US)
To Rococo Rot (Domino, DE)
Pole (Scape, DE)
Stewart Walker (Persona, US),
Plus Tenori-on DJ-sets by:
Norman Fairbanks (US).
The TENORI-ON is a unique 16 x 16 LED button matrix performance instrument with a stunning visual display. For DJs & producers it is a unique performance tool enabling them to perform using MIDI and load the TENORI-ON with samples to ‘jam / improvise’ within their set BPMs.
By operating and interacting with the LED buttons and the light they produce you gain access to the TENORI-ON's numerous performance capabilities. The TENORI-ON provides six different performance and sound/light modes for broad performance versatility, and these modes can be combined and used simultaneously for rich, complex musical expression.
Conceived by Toshio Iwai in 2001 and following five years of intensive development. The TENORI-ON has been showcased at major music festivals and media art festivals ; Sonar (Spain), Futuresonic (U.K), Ars Electronica (Austria), SIGGRAPH (U.S), Art Futura (Spain) and more as well as being road tested by cutting edge electronic music artists: Kraftwerk, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Matthew Herbert, Mouse On Mars, Cornelius, To Rococo Rot, Jim O’ Rourke, Rei Harakami, Taylor Deupree, Tortoise and Atom Heart, The TENORI-ON is one of the most innovative and exciting new instruments to be released by Yamaha for many years.
For extended information on the Tenori-on, visit their excellent website with tutorials and videos of much respected artists testing and commenting on the new instrument.
> Tenori-on website
For more information on the venue, see:
> www.berghain.de
Media Partners:
> De:bug
> Exberliner
> Tip Berlin
> Berliner Fenster
> March 11, 2008
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