// Date: July 14, 2012
// Venue: West Germany
// Skalitzer Strasse 133, 10999 Berlin
// Time: 21:00
// Tickets: tba
// Facebook event
EXCEPTER (US, Blast First, Paw Tracks)
BANANA HEAD (US, Goaty Tapes)
Excepter is: An american improvisatory electronic rock group. A destruction of the division between performance and programming. An electric city, a test of endurance and entrancement. Mystic rips in liminality.
Formed in NYC 2002, Excepter have over 23 recordings released on various labels: Fusetron; Load; 5RC; Paw Tracks; RVNG. A group mind experience, Excepter brought to bear upon the world of electronic dance music the improvisational discipline of founder John Fell Ryan's membership in The No-Neck Blues Band. Slowly shifting in line-ups and styles over the years, Excepter always produces its core sound of multiple voices, winds and percussion echoing over free-form machine rhythms and synthesizer.
With the passing of Excepter vocalist and drummer Clare Amory in February 2011, surviving members spread to different cities across the States. Lala and John Fell Ryan now live and work in Los Angeles, joining satellite member Robert Girardin. Nathan Corbin moved and rebuilt his studio outside Sante Fe, New Mexico. Jon Nicholson still holds down Excepter presence in New York City.
Excepter continue to record new material and perform on stage. STREAMS 2, a box set edit of performances by the 2007-2009 sextet edition of Excepter, will finally see release this SUmmer on Blast First.
John Fell Ryan: Vocals, Percussion, Electronics
Lala: Vocals, Synthesizer, Electronics, Wind
Robert Girardin: Vocals, Synthesizer, Electronics
Jon Nicholson: Synthesizer, Electronics, Guitar
Jon Williams: Lights, Electronics
Zebrablood: Synthesizer, Electronics
Official Website: excepter.net
Music: excepter.bandcamp.com
Videos: youtube.com/excepter
Pharoah Chromium is the solo project of Berlin artist Ghazi Barakat – A project of a mutoid post krautrock, psychedelism ambiant, and anxious landscapes. Heat wave, half coma, and clammy matress. Dusty landscape on the Terminal beach, the Fata morgana become oil wells on fire.
Listen to his album Electric Cremation on the Nicholas Moulin's Grautag Records' website.
More on Pharoah Chromium here.
Banana Head or BH is Zully Adler, the American boy behind the Goaty Tapes imprint. BH plays romantic pop music, filtered through a particularly warped array of shoddy equipment and personal issues. Banana Head obsesses over the basic structures of popular music, deconstructing the same formulas until they dissolve into reflective plainness. Simple and familiar pop strategies rub up against off-beat, dopey, and sometimes droll counterstrategies.
› goatytapes.com
› bananahead.bandcamp.com
› youtube.com/watch?v=a1-cZ99OVt0
> July 14, 2012
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