// Date: 1 August 2012
// Venue: Festsaal Kreuzberg, Skalitzerstrasse 130, 10999 Berlin
// Time: 20:00
// Tickets 15 € › advance sale
// › facebook event
"Since the Devil is Gone I Mostly Feel Lonely" is an ongoing series of Folk music concerts at Festsaal Kreuzberg.
GROUP DOUEH (Western Sahara, live)
BOLA (Ghana, live)
ANDY DALE PETTY (Alabama, live)
Group Doueh from Dakhla in the Western Sahara, are a band who morph effortlessly, just like the vital and heavy sandblasted music they make. Their live set-up can switch from soaring and hypnotic rocking and rolling guitar songs with huge choruses to meditative and transcendental acoustic folk tracks. The group’s ancient/modern is rooted in the traditional foundations of Sahrawi/Hassania music, but one that is also entirely its own. It shares its roots with the neighbouring styles of Mauritanian music, however Group Doueh have managed to transcend the classical limitations of that music with a fiery, independent, and individualistic approach that incorporates a distinctly rock element anomalous in the region. This is a sound that can only come from the land that inspired it: the Sahara desert.
The now legendary Group Doueh have been playing in and around their native Dakhla, in the Western Sahara for over 27 years. The discovery of the group by Sublime Frequencies , via a song snatched from a AM radio broadcast in Morocco in 2005 sealed the band’s relationship with the label. A successful European tour with label mate Omar Souleyman in 2009 ensued and western audiences were finally able to witness the power of the group’s mighty live shows. Doueh’s guitar heroics and wife Halima Jakani and Bashiri Touballi’s soaring vocal interplay entranced all who were present. In 2010 Doueh hosted Tony Allen in his home town and joined in on some of his dates in Europe. Then they returned to Europe in triumph in May 2011 with new album Zunya Jamma in tow, delivering a blistering set at the Animal Collective ATP and sending the atmosphere skybound everywhere they travelled including a USA Tour and a killer 2 night residency at Cafe Oto in London.
› sublimefrequencies.com
Bola’s music melds sheer force of spirit with a sound not often heard by ears outside the remote Upper East Region of Ghana. This man who grew up herding livestock in the savannah, far away from the tropical coast and cosmopolitan cities of Accra and Kumasi, has aligned himself with national and international means of expression to transform his hometown sound into something downright avant-garde. His bold fury stems from the kologo—a two-stringed lute with a calabash gourd resonator—and Frafra language vocals, emitted in raspy bursts.
Traditionally, kologo performances occur at pito (local beer made from fermented millet or sorghum) bars, weddings, funerals, festivals or spontaneous jams on the street, which are the environments where Bola honed his craft as a solo musician. In recent years, he came into contact with people like his mentor Guy One who helped him get into the studio to document what is some of the most dynamic music to come out of Ghana since the emergence of hiplife in the mid-'90s.
› awesometapes.com
"I met Andy Dale Petty in Huntsville, Alabama, he had a magazine in his pocket with all the state train routes in it and was telling me about how he loved to hop trains like the hobos back in the day. He taught me how to run next to a train and hop it, always make sure you can see the spokes in the wheel turning, if you cant than the train is too fast and you might lose a limb or two or your head. He fell asleep on a cold wooden porch that evening and then woke everyone up with his lovely geetar playing in the morning. Alabama is known as the place where the first confederate flag was designed and raised, incidentally it was also the place where the first rocket was made to take humans to the moon. Thankfully both slavery and moon travel were abandoned and replaced by white castle, waffle houses and welfare. People like Andy Dale make America the beautiful nightmare that it is. His guitar playing and hobosexuality preserve the fruits of the nation in a jar rather than a petri dish. He may not be able to turn water into wine but he can sure make a rainy afternoon feel like pickles and orange crush. The world would be a cold place without Andy Dale and his geetar, so if you see him by the train tracks, buy him a can of beans and throw a hotdog in it.... he deserves it." - A.A. Khan "outlaw folk youngster with the hart n soul near to the Grave of woody guthrie , all by himself beautiful twisted and desperate and uses his Guitar as a Wappon" - Beatman "How far can a banjo take you? As long as there are young men who in their heart and spirit combine an open mind with a feeling for history and a lust to wander the country to see what the people really want, it can take you pretty far. Across a continent and down a century or two, if you let it. Andy Dale Petty is exactly such a person as described above. He picks his banjo and starts to ramble the country and life around him in increasing perimeters. He meets love, fun, joy and happiness, but also hardship, pain and loss. He sees the preachers talking about sin and salvation, he hears the country stars and the rock stars sing about wide variety of things, he hears the politicians of various colours talking their slang, but most of all he hears the stories the people tell. And at night he listenes to the sounds of nature. Unlike William Elliott Whitmore, the other young man who rambles the country with a banjo, he does not carve out a niche all of his own, but he collects the scraps and records of others and builds his world from there. Which makes his world a lighter, better and warmer place to live in." - C-60 Low Noise
› myspace.com/andydalepetty
Presented by:
› Festsaal Kreuzberg
› CTM-Festival
› Digital In Berlin
› Berlin Unlike
› ByteFM |
> August 01, 2012
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