Since 2003, Wolfgang Ernst, Professor for Media Theory, has been in charge of setting up a seminar and study course for Media Science at the Institut für Kultur- und Kunstwissenschaften (Institute for Art and Cultural Studies) at the Humboldt Universität Berlin. From 1995–1999 he was a Research Assistant for "Theorie und Archäologie der Medien im Kunstkontext" (Theory and Archaeology of Media in Art) at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. He held a temporary professorship at the Department of Media Studies at the Bauhaus Universität Weimar ("Geschichte und Theorie künstlicher Welten" / History and Theory of Artificial Worlds), at the Institute for Film and Television Studies at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum ("Theorie, Geschichte und Ästhetik der Medien / Theory, History and Media Aesthetics), at the University of Paderborn ("Medienwissenschaft: Schwerpunkt gesellschaftliche und historische Bezüge"/ Media Studies: Specialization in Social and History-Related Topics ) as well as at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin ("Ästhetik und Geschichte der Medien"/ Aesthetics and Media History). In 2001 he qualified as a Professor at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Venia für Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft / Venia for Culture and Media Studies) with the paper "Im Namen der Geschichte: Sammeln, Speichern, (Er-)Zählen"/ In the Name of History: Collecting, Recording, Narrating.
Main focus of research: Medial dispositives of visual recollection; non-discursive places of recollection; cultural transmission techniques; technical aesthetics and theory of time-based and critical media.