Over the past few years jake fairley has become recognized as a key force in the growing canadian electronic music scene. Since june 2000, jake has had nearly twenty releases under various names and on various lables, mostly under the kompact distribution umbrella. Being from toronto, he has developed a style which is a little harder, a little drier, and a lot dirtier than common sound from montreal.
Jake began experimenting with electronic music in 1995, toying with different geners before settling with techno in 1998. from the very beginnig jakes music has showed a bigger focus on streching minimal techno into the popular rather then experimental. Spending much of his youth watching bands play live has pushed jake to perform his music rather then merley present it. Latley, jakes music started to show his rock & roll roots more and more. By using distorted sounds, a steady beat, and occasionlly aggressive vocals, he has been bluring the lines between techno and rock music more then ever.
His desire to make the perfect hybrid of techno and rock n’ rollis nothing new for jake and can be found even in his earliest work. In september 2004 jake released his first full length release in over two years. „touch not the cat“ brings together and draws from every project and release from jakes entire career and takes his music to the next level.
> www.dumb-unit.com
> www.paperbagrecords.com
> CTM.05