Live Cinema I: Sound Art Visual |
Panel Discussion: Anthony Moore (KHM Köln, UK) / Edwin van der Heide (artist, Rotterdam, NL) / Elena Ungeheuer (musicologist, TU Berlin, DE) / Moderation: Holger Schulze (Sound Studies, UdK Berlin, DE) |
The predominance of the visual in media art has come to an end. The technical and creative requirements for presenting sound and image on an equal level in both spatial installations and live-performances are, at last, available. Conceptually, it remains difficult to pinpoint the respective meaning of these aesthetic media, as terms such as “audio-visual art”, “optophonetics” or “live cinema”, tend still to suggest the dominance of the one or the other dimension. The panel “Sound Art Visual” questions the latitude and boundaries of various means of artistic expression such as video images, sound, architecture or performance. It is concerned with the convergence and divergence of a digital aesthetic and with the interfaces of current media art.
In Kooperation mit/In cooperation with Sound Studies – Akustische Kommunikation (UdK Berlin)
> www.udk-sound.de