~ Magic Machine ~ |
Sound machine building workshop for kids by Kristina Andersen [NL/DK]
// 30/01 > .HBC > 14–16:00
// max participants 10, age 6–9
// Admission: free, material costs 6 €
// Registration > email
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
A. C. Clarke
How do we design magic? What is magical to you? If you could make anything at all, what would it be? Have you ever built a machine? What does your imaginary machine do and what does it sound like?
Together, participating children and workshop leader Kristina Andersen will build fantastical machines out of paper, cardboard, wood, string and plastic. While building, the group explores the machines and listens to them: What sound will they possibly make? What do they actually sound like? The integration of simple record & playback devices will allow the participating children to put their own sounds into the individual machines, while modifying and changing the quality of playback with the acoustical properties of the materials used. Kristina Andersen is an artist and researcher based at STEIM (Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music) in Amsterdam, where she is also the director of research and communications. She works with electronics to create unusual objects and experiences as a part of her ongoing obsession with 'naïve electronics'.
> www.steim.nl