Spectroscopy |
Constructivist DIY workshop series, organized by sound art lab NK, with Martin Kuentz [DE] and Jo FRGMNT Grys [DE]
// 01–06/02 > SPA > 14–21:00
// max participants 15
// Admission: 10 €/day or 30 €/whole series, plus 20 €/day for materials
// Registration > email
Using techniques ranging from homemade kitchen chemistry and practical physics to hand-made electronics, participants of this workshop series will build a set of electronic devices to make imperceptible phenomena visible and audible. The electromagnetic spectrum will serve as the object of artistic investigation and practice. During the course of the workshop participants will discuss theoretical and practical issues, which pertain to the construction of custom electronic tools and instruments. On the last day, the results of the workshop series will be made accessible in the form of an open studio installation in the festival's exhibition spaces at SPA, and with various performances at .HBC.
The w orkshops are organized by the Berlin sound art lab NK, and lead by experimental artists Martin Kuentz and Jo FRGMNT Grys. Engaged in numerous participatory networks, DIY workshops and projects, and utilizing a wide spectrum of technologies, Kuentz's most recent artistic research focuses on audio-capture, the radio frequency spectrum and ad-hoc optical networks.
With a background in chemistry, philosophy and mineralogy, Berlin based Jo FRGMNT Grys has long been active in a wide range of scientific and artistic experiments that involve theory, hand-made electronics, performance, feedback structures and scientific exploration.
// MON 01/02
Part 1: Beyond the Acousmatic Supermarket
Theme: Discover the vibrant nature of matter; transformation of everyday objects into sounding sources; kinetic objects.
audio capture, home-made ambient microphones, ultrasound, expanded hardware, architecture & ambience, resonance, electroacoustic experiments, NF
// TUE 02/02
Part 2: Audibility of Electromagnetic Fields
Theme: Investigate the city environment for invisible /inaudible electromagnetic fields. Keywords: natural environmental signals, electromagnetic phenomena,
low frequency radiation, ELF, VLF
// WED 03/02
Part 3: The Wireless Imaginaire
Theme: Explore the worlds beyond wireless radio and the FM-communications bands, make use of available wireless gadgets, mobile phones and home made amateur radio devices.
translocal wireless networks, eavesdropping, jamming, time & space dislocation, personal broadcast, spectrum wideband detection, signal sniffing, VHF, UHF, SHF
// THU 04/02
Part 4: Light to Sound Modulation
Theme: Utilize the photo-electric effect of solar-cells and light-sensitive diodes for detection and modulation of light of various wavelengths. Build your own local optical point-to-point communications network nodes.
: Sound-to-light modulation, laser- and point-to-point communication, remote sensing, IR
// FRI 05/02
Part 5: Spatialization
Theme: Manufacture a portable spatial polyphonic sound system. Re-localize and project sound-parameters. Keywords: multiple relations, participatory spatial displays, detection interfaces
// SAT 06/02
Part 6: Open studio installation &
public presentation
Sound art lab NK, Jo FRGMNT Grys, Martin Kuentz and the participants of the "Spectroscopy" workshop invite visitors into their scientific laboratory of experimentation and present the various devices conceived and constructed during the workshop days. No Fee charged for this day.
> www.nkprojekt.de