Jorinde Voigt (b. 1977) studied Multimedia Studies with Prof. Moebus at UdK Berlin (1999‚ 2000), Visual Art Studies at the Royal College of Art, London (2001), Visual Culture Studies with Prof. Sieverding at UdK Berlin (2003) and Visual Culture Studies, Photography, with Prof. Sieverding at UdK Berlin (2001‚ 2004). She has received the Bosch Rexroth Prize, the Otto Dix Prize, Gera, and the Residency Program of the B. H. Watermill Foundation, New York. Recently she was nominated for the
Future Generation Art Prize 2010. She currently lives and works in Berlin.
The installation "Grammatik" (2010) combines several parameters, such as spinning (carbon) aeroplane propellers, writing on the propellers (64 grammatical possibilities, declination of the personal pronouns, who loves who, who doesn't love who) and the size of the blades (the first person singular corresponds to the biggest blade. The third person plural corresponds to the smallest blade). Next to that, the installation defines the grammatical system even more precise by the declination of the rotation speed, 0 to maximum, individually controllable speed (the artist does not specify how fast each blade has to turn; every speed within the possible range is correct) and the declination of the direction of rotation: turning to the left or to the right. Technically, this corresponds to whether the blade turns away from or towards the observer.