Programmer, theorist and artist, Martin Howse (b. 1969) has worked collaboratively under the heading xxxxx, in audio performance and wide ranging production and publication. In the last years, he directed _____-micro-research, presenting a series of open workshops and working groups centered in Berlin. Martin Kuentz (b. 1975) is a Berlin-based artist, experimenting with mixed intensity on epistemic and aesthetic phenomena. His artistic phylum is subject to sudden mutations and radical surprise.
Howse: "Material is both evidence and self-obscuring; a literal drama of sheer light (waves) and absolute darkness (our substrate) exacerbated by the excitation of substance and its subsequent bodily detection. The two performers are cast as volatile detectives, with an audible forensics probing a tabletop micro-material-theatre."
Performance › 28/01 › 20:30 › Kunstquartier Bethanien