// Workshop: 28/01 01/02
West Germany 12 19:00
// Opening: 01/02 21:00
// Presentation: 02 05/02 18 24:00
A workshop / installation / performance in the spirit of David Tudor with
Derek Holzer [US/DE] &
Mads Bech Paluszewski [DK].
Regenwald 2011 is a contemporary re-interpretation of David Tudors series of compositions from the 1970′s entitled Rainforest. It uses various types of sonic transducers to play live sounds through various resonant objects in the space, as well as through architectural features of the space itself. Additionally, an 8Χ8 matrix mixer allows the sound from any of the objects to be sent to any other node in the network, making the whole piece an experiment in generative chaos.
Regenwald 2011 will be developed in a workshop format with up to 8 participants over a period of several days. The resulting work should shift between relatively static installation-like moments and performative sections where the artists seek new relationships with the objects and each other. The audience is free to move around the performance space, engage in conversations and explore the resonant objects, thus adding new life to the rainforest.
A opening night presentation will introduce the concept of
Regenwald 2011 and the context of "Schematic as Score" as seen in the works of both David Tudor and John Cage.
A rough schematic of a previous transducer system (Regenskog 2010) can be seen here:
Documentation of Regenskog 2010 can be found here:
The Regenwald 2011 workshop is open for 8 participants who will be selected and notified on or before 16 January 2011. There is no fee to participate. Applying participants should be:
Comfortable working in a collaborative environment
Knowledgeable in the basics of acoustics
Proficient in one or more chosen analog or digital sound instruments and/or systems for working with sound
Capable of bringing any equipment they require beyond the basics of the transducer system (instruments, mixers, computers, etc etc)
Please send an email by 12 January with the following information:
Name, location and short bio (max 100 words)
Short statement of interest (max 300 words)
Short description of your chosen instrument or system (max 300 words)
Links to audio/video documentation of one solo work and one collaborative work you have made
Derek Holzer (1972) is an American sound artist living in Berlin, whose current interests include DIY analog electronics, sound art, field recording and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise, improv and extreme music. He has played live experimental sound, as well as taught workshops in noise art technology, across Europe, North America, Brazil and New Zealand.
Danish sound artist and cultural producer Mads Bech Paluszewski (1977) works with circuit bending, sound installations, tactile acoustics and performances from his Copenhagen base. Solo and as a member of several groups of experimental audio/visual music and performance groups, he has performed at many Nordic music and sound art festivals. He has also held several workshops in circuit bending and user driven sound installations in Denmark.
Regenwald 2011 is a joint production of CTM.11 and Tuned City/ DOCK e.V.