CTM.11 Exhibition Opening with performance by MARTIN HOWSE [UK] /
MARTIN KUENTZ [DE] "Substrate" |
The group exhibition Alles, Was Sie über Chemie wissen müssen (Everything You Need to Know About Chemistry) in the Kunstquartier Bethanien has been curated by Hicham Khalidi and Suzanne Wallinga and organised by the Dutch art space TAG. Video and sound installations, drawings and performances by international artists explore the intersection between humans and objects, action and perception. At the same time the exhibition examines the relationship between media art and contemporary fine art.
For the opening, Martin Howse and Martin Kuentz present their performance "Substrate", in which material is both evidence and self-obscuring – a literal drama of sheer light (waves) and absolute darkness (our substrate) exacerbated by the excitation of substance and its subsequent bodily detection. The two performers are cast as volatile detectives, with an audible forensics probing a tabletop micro-material-theater.
Programmer, theorist and artist, Martin Howse (b. 1969) has worked collaboratively under the heading xxxxx, in audio performance and wide ranging production and publication. In the last years, he directed _____-micro-research, presenting a series of open workshops and working groups centered in Berlin. Martin Kuentz (b. 1975) is a Berlin-based artist, experimenting with mixed intensity on epistemic and aesthetic phenomena. His artistic phylum is subject to sudden mutations and radical surprise.
Artists of the exhibition: Helen Dowling [UK], Sharon Houkema [NL], Joyce Hinterding [AU], Marieke Slump [NL], Rik Smits [NL], Bram Vreven [NL/BE], Jelle Feringa [NL], David Letellier [FR], Jorinde Voigt [DE], Dennis Oppenheim [US], Joan Jonas [US], a.o.
Additionally, performances within the exhibition by Stephanie Pan [NL] and the performance series Loud Luggage / Booming Baggage I-IV by GX Jupitter Larsen & The Haters [US| in West Germany bring together performers, objects and different media in an electric encounter.
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