1962 born Gerhard Mayer studied painting and graphic arts the Academy of Arts in Nuremberg. He works on puzzle collages and ink drawings, often in the format of large scale spatial murals. Although his mostly black and white drawings often seem to be of a distinctive computer aesthetic, they are actually not digitally generated but drawn by hand with ink and ellipsoid gauge. Referring to algorithmic art and generative strategies, he develops his abstract spatial constructs by strictly applying a set of defined rules. Thus he injects elements of unpredictability in his creations, defining them rather as procedural findings than an imagination’s effigy. His work draws together connections between mathematics, art, particle systems and quantum physics. Visually his dynamic compositions of lines and dots could easily be interpreted as new forms of notations of the electronic music, he mentions as an influence for his work.
> www.hosfeltgallery.com