Public knowledge platform by
Platoniq [ES].
// 24–31/01 > Venue:
KKB > 12–21:00
The Bank of Common Knowledge is a pilot experience dedicated to the research of social mechanisms for the collective production of contents, mutual education, and citizen participation. Its aim is to create, protect, expand, exchange and spread knowledge. Taking the concept of the commons as a starting point, the project is organized as an open source model of knowledge transfer, to which anyone can contribute. It adapts the techniques of peer-to-peer media sharing to peer-to-peer education, allowing separate chunks of information to be broken down and passed on via a network of volunteers. As such, it is a laboratory for inventing and trying out new forms of production, education, organization and distribution that involve not only new roles for producers and receivers, experts and amateurs, teachers and students, but also new relationships between the production of image, text, and audio material and their subsequent diffusion in the public space.
During CTM.09, Platoniq will set-up the Free-Knowledge-Market, which invites everyone to share his/her practical or theoretical knowledge of any and all disciplines, from organizing to crafts to technology to civil rights, from DIY-manuals to first-hand experiences to expert reports. Input can take various forms, which will be recorded and documented online as so-called "time capsules". Thus, the project aims to collect, share and protect not often valued common knowledge to match individual and collective needs in the pursuit of autonomy, and to counteract a general lack of knowledge-resources for everyday issues.
Everyone interested is invited to spontaneously come to the Knowledge-Market at Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien and get involved with the members of Platoniq.
The Bank of Common Knowledge is based on an open organization model that takes cooperation dynamics, process documentation techniques and shared responsibility between all participating members into account. Anyone interested in taking part in its internal organization structure, whether through offering or demanding knowledge or helping produce content for the website, is welcome to do so.
With its activities, The Bank of Common Knowledge will stimulate and enrich the discussions and projects of the festival and document them for further use and reflection.
Platoniq [ES]
Platoniq is a group of cultural producers, curators and software developers. With their combination of technical know-how and social interests, they have realised a series of independent non-commercial media projects. Their primary interests are constructing social instruments and social software, and utilising network strategies for the public space. The group works in various areas: it organises events, creates documentation for TV and Internet radio and develops interfaces, databases and software for public use. Platoniq are Susana Noguero, Olivier Schulbaum and Ignacio Garcia.