// Date: April 27, 2006
// Time: 9 pm
Klimek is one of the many aliases of German sound and media artist Sebastian Meissner, known for his collaborations with Ekkehard Ehlers as Autopoiesis, with Israeli artists Ran Slavin and Eran Sachs as Random Inc. and in the Intifada Offspring project and with Lia as Tiny Little Elements.
Under his Klimek moniker he produces delicate drone scapes, which are carefully constructed from acoustic source materials (acoustic guitar) and "noise trouvé". His dreamy, evocative slow motion compositions show a striking sense for beauty and sometimes for a blissful melancholia, but yet boast from dark, haunting and ghosty undertones. As points of reference one might name those alchemists of mesmerising, floating but tense music for the early hours Bohren und der Club of Gore, Tim Hecker, Earth with their the recent album and definitely Angelo Badalamenti’s groundbreaking atmospheric scores for the film works of David Lynch. As an artist who consciously left behind the still so common division of either visual artist or musician, Klimek’s DISK Sessions performance is a combination of acoustic and visual material (video projections) from his new album "Music to Fall Asleep" just released on Cologne’s Kompakt label. "Ghetto Ambient" is a reflection on notions of the "Ghetto" and of the multiple ways it can manifest – aesthetically, politically, socially, on the level of representation etc. Klimek focusses on intermediate states and interstices that result from transfomation processes, altering definitions, changing architectures and other small shifts and cracks that appear in or can be induced into those otherwise tendentiously rigid structures.
More information:
> www.autokontrast.de
> www.ghetto-ambient.com
> April 27, 2006
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