This evening, curated by the
International Meeting of Multimedia Arts (RIAM), that takes place in Marseilles annually in February, combines experimental electro-acoustics with tribalistic noise rock and freeform improvisation.
As a festival, RIAM puts the accent on a limited selection of artist for each edition. Instead of expanded program volume, the festival focuses on quality of production and intense collaboration with the artists, whose works are presented at various spaces and in cooperation with a network of organizations. Another focal point is
RIAM’s transdisciplinary approach, also tapping into discourse and aesthetic theory. The festival likes to stimulate dialog about both the ethical and aesthetical questions stirred up by new technologies.
RIAM works within a network of likeminded individuals and organizations to contribute to the production and diffusions of new artistic production all year round. RIAM is an initiative of the non-profit association Technè.
21:30 - Miosine
23:00 - Jac Bérrocal / Vincent Epplay / David Fenech
00:30 - Antilles
01:30 - Why am I Mr. Pink?
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